To learn to read in North, Central, and East Barnet


To learn to read in North, Central, and East Barnet


To learn to read in West and South Barnet


To volunteer


Current volunteering opportunities:

There are lots of interesting ways to get involved in a Read Easy group. At the moment we are particularly looking to fill the following roles:

  • Fundraiser - We have lots of resources, help and support for you so experience in fundraising is not essential. More important is energy, ideas, ability to write convincingly, determination, and enthusiasm for this great cause. It would take up around 2-3 hours per week, and this work can be fitted around other commitments. In addition to this the person would be asked to attend monthly Read Easy Management Team meetings (some are on line, and some are in person in the Borough).

Click here for the Read Easy Barnet Volunteer Application Form.

If there is a role listed here that would suit you, please contact the volunteer listed above or complete a form using the ‘Enquire now’ button. If there are no suitable vacancies listed at the moment, you can still get in touch if you would like to, and we can keep a note of your interest, if you are happy for us to keep your details.

If you would like to find out more about each of our volunteer roles click here.

About our group:

Read Easy Barnet affiliated in January 2023. We help adults learn to read within the borough of Barnet. Our help is free, friendly, confidential and one-to-one.

Read Easy groups are financially independent from Read Easy UK, and we are responsible for raising all the money needed to keep our group going. If you would like to support our work, please get in touch to find out how.

Follow us on Instagram: Read Easy Barnet

Group Supporters:

We would like to thank the following organisations for supporting us:

  • Barnet Council
  • Barnet Libraries
  • Barnet Mencap
  • Boost Barnet
  • Community Barnet
  • Inclusion Barnet
  • Volunteering Barnet
  • Our Pioneers Nikki and Carole

Send an enquiry about volunteering with this group

Please provide your information below, and a member of the team will be in touch soon.

  • Please include your location so that we can provide the most up to date information about volunteering opportunities in your area.
  • To help us with our communication strategies, please tell us how you found out about our Read Easy group e.g. social media, word of mouth, printed publicity, newspaper article, radio or tv programme, volunteer agency, in person event etc.