All Read Easy groups operate independently so you will need to contact your preferred group directly about volunteering with them. Here’s what to expect when contacting one of our groups about volunteering: 

  1. Search for a convenient local group using a postcode – this may be your home address, work address or another commitment – and click through to their page. 
  2. Use the ‘to volunteer’ contact details to get in touch with the group, or complete the form at the bottom of the page.  
  3. If there isn’t a group local to you, you can register your interest and volunteering preferences using this form.  From time to time online and national volunteering opportunities may become available. If you have submitted your details you may be contacted about these opportunities.
  4. You’ll get a response from the group you have contacted either by email or phone. As all our groups are run by volunteers please bear with us for a reply, this isn’t always immediate but they will aim to get back to you as soon as they can. 
  5. Once you’ve had an informal chat with someone from the group, you’ll be asked to complete an application form detailing your experience and interest in the role. 
  6. Should your application be successful, you will be invited to a short (around 20 minute) interview either virtually or in-person, where you will be asked about your experience. 
  7. The group will contact you with the outcome of your application, and if successful will contact your references before beginning your induction.  


We aim to recruit volunteers who broadly reflect the local communities which we serve; and to work with and learn from each other to continually improve the service we deliver to our Readers. We welcome you to apply and be your authentic self. We strive to ensure our recruitment practices are fair, open, easy to access and as inclusive as possible. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group is actively promoting and advancing diversity and inclusion, ensuring a culture where everyone can be themselves and thrive. 


This robust recruitment process ensures that we can find volunteers with the skills and experience needed for the requirements of each role. Volunteers must be committed to making a significant contribution to the successful and appropriate running of groups, so that we can provide an exceptional service to our Readers.